I've seen two movies very recently, and I'll start with the bad one...
Kingdom of Heaven...I don't know where to start with this movie, because it was bad on every level...
Ridley Scott ruined Hannibal, he ruined Gladiator, and he ruined Kingdom of Heaven. Not that he had much to start with...I have a longstanding disrespect of this director and I think it was cemented with this trash filled film. They tried to make it seem that the Crusades were fought between friends over lofty idealism that neither side believed in. They were so afraid to take a stand because of the sensitivity of the subject, given it's hot-buttonedness even today, especially with the American presence in the Middle East.
The script sucked, the acting was fair, the action scenes were already done, and better in Braveheart, and the message of the film was soft and unconvincing. And then to top it off, no boobies.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys