Former job: Middle school teacher:
5:15: Get up, have a cup of tea.
5:30: Shower, get dressed, do hair and makeup.
6:30: Leave for work.
7:15: Arrive at work. Check mailbox, e-mail, voicemail, put away substitute lesson plans, get out actual plans.
7:45-11:20: Humanities, periods 1-2 and 3-4.
11:20-12:00: Lunch
12:05-2:00 Family Planning
2:00-2:55 Plan period, check mailbox, e-mail, voicemail, grade papers
2:55-3:15 Bus supervision
3:15-4:00 Grade papers, make phone calls, grade papers, prepare lesson plans, and grade papers.
5:00-6:00 Drive home, prepare and eat supper
7:00-8:00 Grade papers
8:00-12:00/12:30: Surf the net, play games, read comic books
5:30 Get up, have tea.
5:45 Shower, get dressed, do hair and makeup
7:00 Go to school.
7:30 Sign in, report to teachers for instructions, make copies, read with students, cover classes while teachers run to the restroom, etc.
11:00: Ride picks me up, go to university.
12:00: Prepare for classes in Jan., write syllabus, read World Masterpieces textbook for class I'm supposed to teach.
3:00-4:00: Ride picks me up go home or to doctor for checkup.
4:00-about midnight: Read, surf the net, have supper, sex with wife.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert