Originally Posted by Hank Jr.
I hate to say this about a pet, becuas i know the emotional attachment, but if the word euthanize simply means to put down than....that can be done vary cheaply. What we do around here, is, let the dog lose in the back yard, scope in on him then send him home. It can be vary emotional but it is quick and simple. And you can have it buried on your land. I hope this does not offend anyone, its jsut the way things are done around here. I do have a heart for animals and know the pain involved in loosing one, especially when taking it out yourself.
Wow that's pretty depraved dude, and almost certainly illegal. I'm guessing "around here" is up some West Virginia mountain. We all know how other things get done around there, "squeal squeal like a pig boy!"
And no, that's not the same thing as euthanasia.