Didn't anyone take a look at the gift card rules? Some places will take off a dollar or so for each month it isn't used. Also, they will "cancel" the card if it isn't used within a time period, usually 12 months.
For those of us that don't like gift cards, please please don't give them. I prefer cash for myself and my daughter. Reason being? Because in my family, nobody ever gets me anything remotely close to what I'd like. Unless it's my parents. My mother takes the two of us to the store, says "Go pick out so many things" then she makes us wander off. After that she picks thru the cart and buys a few things to wrap up.
My only peeve is last Christmas. I just really wanted computer junk (in my mother's eyes anything computer related is junk). A new mouse, maybe some cds or dvds to burn on. Maybe a cd case or two.
They went and ordered that blue willow shit.

It was a big big box of it. I couldn't even scoot the box across the floor. I had to have two guys put the box in my car. Then I got home. I had to open the box and pack these little boxes ... about 30 of them... up the stairs.
Guess where the dishes are now? In my cabinet. I'm scared to death to use them. It is a complete 8 person set. Everything needed. The napkins rings, gravy bowl, sugar bowl, tea pot.

I have a concrete floor with linoluem.
So, give me cash.. let me buy my little junk that I don't normally get. That just tells me that you don't have a clue what I want but you're nice enough not to get me something to put in the closet.