Originally Posted by pan6467
The US goes to war, the deficit skyrockets and I am sitting on a pile of US dollars waiting for the right minute to dump them onto the market and demand payment of their trade debts to me.
I'm switching some of my savings over to Euro. I'm tired of seeing my hard earned money lose value.
We know that very few high ranking US politicains are innocent in all of this mess. Trying to imply that the democrats need to be put under a microscope over this is a waste of time. Let's put our priorities straight. Where did this misinformation come from? Well, Host was kind enough to share links that proved that Cheny lied about Iraq having connections to 9/11. That is solid proof. Cheny said yes, then Cheny said no. Bush continues to use "9/11" in his speaches about Iraq. Did Democrats make them say those things? Are John Kerry and severl democratic members of congress standing just out of camera range with guns and teleprompters?