I think that in our desperation to distract attention from the fact that republicans have screwed this country we're forgetting what that vote actually was.
The vote was to give Bush the authority to invade IF (this is the important part) if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions
Well Mr. Hussein couldn't very well refuse to give up weapons he didn't have now could he? In fact, he finally even said fine, come in and look, you won't find any here. And he was right. So the conditions for war were not met, yet we went to war anyway.
Sorry, but the blame lies squarely on the war's architects. The only thing the democrats did wrong was to trust the white house not to put us into a war we shouldn't be in. And I'll hand you that one - that should have been a no-brainer not to trust in that.