Originally Posted by thyckredhead
I have a 8 year old and a 6 year old. My 8 year old has been having doubts about Santa and keeps asking me to tell her the truth. Some kid at school keeps telling her that Santa is not real. I was well over 10 when my mom and dad shared the devastating news with me and I just don't want my daughter to stop believing this early. Also, I do not want her to spoil it for my 6 year old. Any advice, please?
I would pull her aside in a conspiratorial manner and make a big production out of letting her in on the BIG secet.
For example, you could:
Tell her that only special children get to know the truth.
Have her swear the "Official" Santa secret oath not to tell anyone who doesn't deserve it.
Include her in deceiving her sibling (Fun!)
Above all, stress the importance of maintainting the Christmas spirit for the greater good
It's a shame she had to find out from some little brat at school.
Good luck
/*performs the Santa Secret hand shake*