First, the internment camps were horrific. However, and this is not meant as justification, it didn't affect 100% of the American populace. Not that it makes it okay, however, the Patriot act does, in fact, go against the civil rights and liberties of not just all American citizens, but also those that may travel to the US for legitimate purposes.
Second, if nothing else, we should learn from previous right infringements, and not perform even similar feats again. Isn't that what history is for?
As for being a young whipper snapper, not able to distinguish between the fables of the past and the horrors of today, or whatever nonsense you were trying to imply... Yes, I'm young. I'm also well read in history and pay fairly close attention to politics, both domestic and foreign. Having an alternate POV does not make me young and foolish, as you seem to think. Personally, I wouldn't compare Bush to anyone to make anybody (or side) "look good". As an American citizen, born and raised, it is not my job to make anyone look good or defend anyone based on anything specific. It is my job to stand up for my rights, and the rights of my fellow citizens. It is my responsibility as a flag waving American to not sit idly by while my rights are stripped from beneath me. Politics in this country (and many others) is trash in modern times. Sure, there has always been a smear campaign here, some dirt digging there. But there were also candidates who had platforms, could speak intelligently and DO THE JOB they were elected to do. It's been a while since we've had a president like that, and it gets worse every four years. I don't have a side. Or, more specifically, my side is Joe American citizen... not the Republicans, not the Democrats, not the Libertarians or Green Party or Nazis or any other tagline group. Maybe your own partisanship clouds your vision a bit?