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Old 11-16-2005, 04:10 PM   #81 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cimarron29414

Okay, so here goes....There are a lot of different (visual?) components to the female vagina. It seems like it would be very difficult to use male components and replicate female components accurately. You've got the outer labia, inner labia, clitoral hood, and all the other fun little bits. Disregarding feel, touch, functionality: On a scale of 1 (very little) to 10 (perfect match), how close does a neo-vagina look to a natural vagina? Obviously, the skill of the doctor is a factor, so let's just assume it is the best one that can possibly be constructed. I don't think you answered this before. If you did, I apologize.
The links below are so NSFW that it defies description:

Check here. More post-op neo-vaginas than you can shake a stick at.

Also here for pictuers of some truly excellent aesthetic results.

Assuming that its the best possible result in terms of appearance, 10. A well-constructed neo-vagina is visually, and to a partnere, functionally indistiguishable from a natural one. Keep in mind that natural vaginas can vary greatly in appearance from one another, and with a little bit of hair growth, most of the differences tend to be somewhat masked anyway. An MTF always has some pubic hair growth to cover the incision scars.

Question #2 (in 27 parts ):......Um, how "deep" is a neo-vagina? I would assume that it is somewhat proportional to the length of the inverted erect penis from whence it came.
It depends greatly upon the skill of the surgeon and the technique used. A general rule of thumb for a straight penile inversion would be vaginal depth roughly equivilent to the length of the penis measured along the underside from the base to the heat while erect. A graft from the scrotum can increase depth, as can use of a colon segment graft, or use of a colon segment in place of the penile inversion itself.

One Thai surgeon, Dr. Suporn, has developed a new technique that is very popular. He uses a skin graft from the lower belly, buttocks, or thigh as the vaginal lining. The skin from the shaft of the penis is split into two segments and used to form the labia minora, which results in much greater sexual sensation especially when directly stimulating the mons, as with a vibrator, and what has been reported as excellent sensation when having vaginal sex, because the tissues that get the most stimulation, those at the entrance, are from the far more sexually senstive penile skin rather than the less sensitive scrotal.

It can vary from as little as 2-3 inches if the penis is initially small and/or the surgeon doesn't do a good job, to as much as 6-7 inches. With a small penis, most surgeons will use a graft from the scrotum or a colon segment to increase depth, but the colon segment does add to the cost.

You're taking a chance with some of the less prominent Thai surgeons, but you're pretty safe with any big name American surgeon or the main Thai guys.

Granted, the doctors had scrotum skin to work with, but I think you mentioned that things start to shrink from the hormones. Doesn't that reduce the amount of material from which they can work? ...consequently reducing the available maximum depth?
If there has been an orchiectomy, the scrotum will shrink. Shrinkage of the penis may occcur if the penis remains in a flaccid state all the time, as it does with many, perhaps most, but keep in mind that penile skin is desgined to shrink and expand. Once it's used as the lining of the vagina, it can be stretched back out to full size again.

The main issue with scrotal shrinkage is having enough tissue available for formation of the labia. This isn't an issue with Dr. Suporn's technique, or any technique involving a colon segment.

Is this even a consideration? If a MTF chooses to have vaginal sex, does look/depth become an issue in terms of

a) choosing a (big) partner
b) potentially having to tell a partner
c) serving as a "tell" to an unknowing partner.
There are four general issues: depth, sensation, appearance, and urination, and all are important.

Depth is important for the obvious reason, that of being able to fully accommodate a partner. Sensation matters for the obvious reason. Appearance does come into play with a partner, but it's as much about feeling complete. A woman wants to feel pretty for herself, and having an attractive looking vagina is part of this for some MTF's.

A partner who is too large can be accommoded by using alternate positions, but obviously the girl wants to be able to handle her partner in any position.

For stealth purposes, both appearance and depth make a difference, but, just as with anything else, people will tend to believe what they want to believe. If a man sees something as being a little bit off, but has no reason to suspect otherwise, he's very unlikely to attribute it to anything but normal variance in female genetalia. And as I said earlier, most surgeons do produce an aesthetically acceptable result.

I personally don't think stealth with a sexual partner is a good idea, especailly with a long term partner, mostly for the protection of the girl involved. I do, however, understand why some transwomen choose not to reveal their past to casual sexual partners.

This is, undoubtedly, the most fascinating thread I have ever read on TFP. While I was never uncomfortable with the transsexual lifestyle or process, there were many aspects about which I had never really thought. I thank you for exposing us all to the challenges that MTF transssexuals face.
You're welcome, and thank you. Keep in mind that for a great many transsexuals, especially those who pass easily, their lifestyle is the same as any other woman's. It's just the path they took to womanhood that was different.

P.S. My best friend is going to be very disappointed to learn he needs to save up $30K to get rid of his Sasquatch-esque body hair! I would have never guessed hair removal was the most expensive part.
Did I say it was 30k for hair removal? That would be the extreme upper limit, and very rare if anyone does actually spend that much. Hormones help a lot on the body hair. Half that, however, isn't unusual.

I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.

~Steven Colbert

Last edited by Gilda; 11-16-2005 at 04:18 PM..
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