just to comment back, and perhaps to clarify..
that was what a friend brought up, which was actually a very valid statement. currently, im not attached.. he's just too far away, and not what i am looking for. too immature, and basically still just a goofy kid. but yes, i guess it would be "mutually" USING each other, therefore neither party is really being "used". i guess im just worried .. or wondering whether ill be emotionally okay about it all.
i think if we did spend the night together, we'd probably spend the next few nights shacking up too. he'll be here friday night until tuesday morning and i think we're actually going to the train station together/ hes going home and im going to visit a friend in london. so im not worried about it being a "one nighter" or him walking out.. but just well the silly worries of if he falls asleep and i start to feel insecure about what happened.. and plus i have a twin bed and EVERY GIRL KNOWS HOW MUCH IT SUCKS TO have to sleep in a twin bed with a guy! its basically being pressed up on the wall all night. haha.
i guess, any suggestions of.. maybe.. coping? i think everything ppl have said so far has helped a lot in differnet ways.. just helping me see different perspectives and what not. okay ill stop rambling. THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHOSE REPLIED SO FAR!