:: DISCLAIMER :: These questions are not directed towards anyone you know specifically, and I will assume your answers are general answers based on your research rather than any personal experience.
Okay, so here goes....There are a lot of different (visual?) components to the female vagina. It seems like it would be very difficult to use male components and replicate female components accurately. You've got the outer labia, inner labia, clitoral hood, and all the other fun little bits. Disregarding feel, touch, functionality: On a scale of 1 (very little) to 10 (perfect match), how close does a neo-vagina
look to a natural vagina? Obviously, the skill of the doctor is a factor, so let's just assume it is the best one that can possibly be constructed. I don't think you answered this before. If you did, I apologize.
Question #2 (in 27 parts

):......Um, how "deep" is a neo-vagina? I would assume that it is somewhat proportional to the length of the inverted erect penis from whence it came. Granted, the doctors had scrotum skin to work with, but I think you mentioned that things start to shrink from the hormones. Doesn't that reduce the amount of material from which they can work? ...consequently reducing the available maximum depth? Is this even a consideration? If a MTF chooses to have vaginal sex, does look/depth become an issue in terms of
a) choosing a (
big) partner
b) potentially having to tell a partner
c) serving as a "tell" to an unknowing partner.
This is, undoubtedly, the most fascinating thread I have ever read on TFP. While I was never uncomfortable with the transsexual lifestyle or process, there were many aspects about which I had never really thought. I thank you for exposing us all to the challenges that MTF transssexuals face.
P.S. My best friend is going to be very disappointed to learn he needs to save up $30K to get rid of his Sasquatch-esque body hair! I would have never guessed hair removal was the most expensive part.