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Old 11-15-2005, 06:13 PM   #44 (permalink)
Location: Arkansas
Well let's see, a month ago I had and apaartment that I shared with my then girlfriend. When my lease was due ( end of October) we decided to get another apartment, this time everything went into her name, though my name is on the lease. A week later the problems that had been brewing beneath the surface reared their very ugly face. Needless to say I am now living with my mom. A coworker and I talked about getting a place together, he has decided that he wants to wait a few months, and as of this writing I haven't the funds to get a place on my own.

Most of the problems the the gf are my doing and solvable, but it still doesn't help the fact that I did have a place to stay. Now I kinda feel like a heel. I will be able to get my own place in about a month. The issue with the gf is another story all in itself. I think we can repair them it will just take time and us haaving different addresses.
Just think 6 feet above the ground is better than 6 feet below ground!
redneckdude is offline  

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