The success of America has nothing to do with morality. It's just a matter of the right system at the right place, at the right time.
Exactly. What works, works. Libertarianism has worked very well in the face of totalitarianism, causing repressed folk around the world to grumble ever louder until they eventually rise up against their governments in outrage, bringing them down in popular expressions of freedom. But it's not winning the hearts and minds argument against the much more pious ideology of the (for example) Islamic fundamentalist.
A new ideology is required - liberal relativism, as attractive as it has been in the face of big totalitarian governments is past its day. Maybe that ideology is Islam, maybe it's Christian Conservatism, and maybe it's just down and dirty pragmatism - can you turn pragmatism into an ideology? If it were possible, that's the one I'd get behind.