Originally Posted by ratbastid
I do improv as an assistant teacher for a high school troupe. I also play piano for the troupe--good old Hoe Down! It's fun.
One of my favorite games, which is good for both performance and chops-building rehersal, is "128". You get a topic from the audience and then everybody takes turns telling jokes in the format: "128 ______s walk into a bar. The bartender says, 'We don't serve ______s here!", and the ______s say: ____________".
So say it's... I dunno... shoes.
128 shoes walk into a bar. The bartender says, "we don't serve shoes here!" And the shoes say, "Hold your tongue!"
128 shoes walk into a bar. Bartender says, "We don't serve shoes here!" The shoes say, "Lace see about that!"
128 shoes walk into a bar. Bartender says, "We don't serve shoes here!" Shoes say, "Well, then adidas-os, muchacho!"
Goood tiiiiiimes.
Haha. Oh man, that totally reminds me of how bad I was at improv. When we'd just do a totally open-ended improv exercise, I'd freeze up so much. I always found it really sad because I like to think of myself as at least somewhat quick-witted, but I would constantly feel like a deer in headlights doing improv. I'm pretty sure it was just the added pressure of it being on the spot and being forced. It's a lot like if you can do a good impression or something along those lines, and you can rattle it off on your own in any situation. But, the second someone puts you on the spot and asks you to do it, the performance anxiety turns you into a deer in headlights, hah.