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Old 11-15-2005, 10:19 AM   #43 (permalink)
venting for 100

lets see i am a trained computer tech, network admin, and programmer working not 1 but 2 dead end jobs which do not colectively pay my bills.

One is actual tech work at a rate that is prolly 1/5th of the bare minimum for tech work and its only for one day a week, and its my good paying job, the one i treasure with all my soul (i need experiance im 18 after all)

the other job is retail, or as i prefer to say hell, i make less than i deserve even being unskilled labor, i work my ass off and treat the company right. For this i am given a wage jsut above legal minimum and far below what even my collegues make or started out making, i also worked 35.5 hours last week in this part time job woulda had more but they schedualed me to work on the day of my good job too, which is when i got to rip into my manager for the first time this week. in other words they think that due to a job title they are gonna screw me over for benefits, either im gonna start getting a reaosnable number of hours or i am just gonna say that i dont need the money that badly

*Edit* I forgot school so here we go, I am a computer science major so i need 4 years of undergrad math for my 2 year transfer, i graduated the day after i turned 16 but have been unable to do anything about my life until very recently becuase noone understand child labor laws and schools like to fuck over exceptional students

All of this and the thing that pulls me through is my girlfriend, or at least the thoguht of her i didnt get to see her for 5 days (our relationship is both new and close so we do out best to see each other daily) this was due to the fact that i was closing one night opening the next morning and closing the next night etc etc...

And when i do talk to her online not even see her its to fin out that she had been kissing a mutual (female) friend of ours (something which dosent worry me overly but she considers it cheating so im worried) who just happens to be my gf's old flame and who my gf jsut set up in her own relationship (which she plans to ruin)

Then I finally get to see her and she has strep throat (at least i hope its strep the friend had mono like 2 months ago), and is in a hyper but subtually foul mood (a bad sign for the sick a good sign its not mono), and she went from life and death guilty about the kiss BS to ignoring it and acting in ways that make me suspicious that something more is wrong than i know

So now i get to sit here and sweat my ass off wondeirng whats wrong with the only thing that allows me to get through my days.

On the positive not this weekend is gen-con and she is going, and im dragging frineds along if it kills me getting um there so i am gonna have some fun if it kills me

which wouldnt be so bad right about now

Last edited by fatmanforprez; 11-15-2005 at 10:26 AM..
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