I'm not sure contempt quite captures it either.
I can't decide whether I think that Bush thinks he's doing the best thing for the country. I suspect he's doing what he thought was going to put him in the history books alongside Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt. He said it February 8, 2004: "I'm a war president. I make decisions here in the Oval Office in foreign-policy matters with war on my mind."
I don't think he hates the people or even has contempt for them. I just think he's more interested in his own legacy than he is in the truth or the safety of thousands of American soldiers. I think 9/11 was a huge opportunity for him, and he took it, and damn the consequences. And now that's catching up to him bigtime, he's seeing the whole shooting match sliding down the tubes, and he's flailing around looking for any scapegoat he can pin it on.
What's funny is, he thinks he can get away with accusing somebody else of rewriting history. Mr Shifting Justification for War thinks he can pin that on somebody else. It's just amazing.