I just read a fantastic article, actually more of an essay on Aquaman and the direction the character is taking.
An excerpt:
I felt it necessary to write this article because the problem with Aquaman is really reflective of a larger problem in our culture. We are constantly leaping forward without first looking back. If you run out the door too quickly you may forget to put your underwear on, or you might even accidentally put them on the outside of your trousers, pants, or jeans, and wouldn’t that be silly. The point is that America has a dynamically rich culture for such a young nation. We have been blessed with some of the most creative and inventive minds in history. Let’s not forget to consider what they have offered, before we slap the latest trend across their work. Just because we are presently creating something, with perhaps more advanced tools, more money, or more people involved—doesn’t mean we’ll automatically do a better job. If we ignore our roots we might forget why we create in the first place, mostly because we were inspired once upon a time by something magical.