Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
hmmmm from the way you describe it... it sounds like you were happy and got what you needed with the tea and didn't require more. My assumption as a server would have been if she needed more she would have requested it, especially since you were well dressed. My personal assumption is that someone who is well dressed is more assertive than someone who is casually or simply dressed and that they will make the request of what they want.
This is something I hadn't considered. Do people actually do that? I mean, go into a restaurant, order a $1.85 cup of tea, and take up a booth for half an hour? That seems like a very inconsiderate thing to do to me. It hadn't occurred to me that they might have thought I was camping. I don't think I was projecting a "leave me alone" attitude.
I did stiff the waitress who never came to serve me. If what you suggest is what happened, then what I did in effect was take up a booth for half an hour, keeping them from using it, and then stiff a waitress who thought she was doing what I wanted.
Damn. It's a good thing I'll never be in that restaurant again. A customer who orders practically nothing, camps, and then stiffs the waitress is probably what they like the least. Or it must at least be near the top.