Get up at 5:00 am drink coffee and watch the news.
Leave for work at about 6:00am
arrive in parking lot, to meet with other workers, as there is no parking room on site.
I am currently building and addition to the University of Arkansas Law Center.
@ 7:00 am get my crew together and start them on their projects.
Between 7 am and 9 am I walk about 50 miles going from one project to another answering questions, showing the guys how to do certain jobs (training), take an ass-chewin' cause somebody didn't do something right or broke a saftey rule or run over a plumbing pipe in the floor.
At 9:30 break time thank god!
9:45 to 12:00 do about the same as I did prior to break.
12:00-12:30 lunch
12:30-3:30 or later pretty much about the same as I have done all day
It's pretty cool to walk away from a 3-story building and say that I built that. But as a supervisor it is stressful.
Just think 6 feet above the ground is better than 6 feet below ground!