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Old 11-14-2005, 10:54 AM   #13 (permalink)
Originally Posted by powerclown
How do you explain this away, host?

It seems to me that the tapestry you weave is tarnished from the very start by faulty reasoning.

How do you explain away bin Laden's acceptance of responsibility, and his promise of more to come?
I've posted statements that Bush has made on Sept. 16, 2001, Sept. 23, 2004, and Nov. 11, 2005, all displayed on the white house's own website.

I've posted multiple and overwhelmingly credible, linked references that report the opposite, or at least essentially contradict all of Bush's statements.

Your response seems to be an attempt to defend Bush by your posting of a statement attributed to Bin Laden. I fail to understand how your Bin Laden quote rehabilitates any of my examples of Bush lies or intentionally misleading statements. My guess is that your intent is to discredit me if you are able to entice me into taking your "bait".

On Sept. 16, 2001....five days after 9/11 Bush said this to the press:
Never did anybody's thought process about how to protect America did we ever think that the evil-doers would fly

not one, but four commercial aircraft into precious U.S. targets - never............
Later we learned (I've cited four reports) that Bush's declaration, quoted above, was most likely, <h3>Not True</h3>.

That quote has received very little coverage by the MSM. Condaleeza later made a very similar declaration, and it is her statement that has often been
referenced by the MSM
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Myers Testify Before 9/11 Commission

Aired March 23, 2004 - 15:32 ET

RICHARD BEN-VENISTE, COMMISSION MEMBER: Good afternoon, Mr. Secretary. There are a number of different questions I'd like to ask, but my time is limited........

.......With respect to your comment about domestic intelligence and what we knew as of September 10th, 2001, your statement was that you knew of no intelligence to suggest that planes would be hijacked in the United States and flown into buildings...............

.......I understand that going after al Qaeda overseas is one thing. But protecting the United States is another thing. And it seems to me that a statement that we could not conceive of such a thing happening really does not reflect the state of our intelligence community as of 2001, sir.

RUMSFELD: A couple of comments. I quite agree with you, there were a number of reports about potential hijacking. I even remember comments about UAVs.

I even have seen things about private aircraft hitting something. But I do not recall ever seeing anything in the period since I came back to government about the idea of taking a commercial airliner and using it as a missile. I just don't recall seeing it. And maybe you do, Dick?

MYERS: No, I do not.

BEN-VENISTE: Well, the fact is that our staff has -- and the joint inquiry before us, I must say -- has come up with eight or 10 examples which are well-known in the intelligence community. My goodness, there was an example of an individual who flew a small plane and landed right next to the White House.

RUMSFELD: I remember.
<b>Three weeks later, the WaPo published a report that indicates that Rumsfeld or Myers actually should have known that the "idea" was considered at the pentagon:</b>
Pentagon Crash Scenario Was Rejected for Military Exercise

By Bradley Graham
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, April 14, 2004; Page A16

While planning a high-level training exercise months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, U.S. military officials considered a scenario in which a hijacked foreign commercial airliner flew into the Pentagon, defense officials said yesterday.

But the scenario was rejected as not in keeping with the theme of the April 2001 exercise, which dealt with how command of U.S. forces would be maintained in the event the Pentagon became unusable during a major war, the officials said. ....
The evidence indicates that Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld, and Myers all made misleading statements concerning what they knew, before 9/11 about the possibility of terrorist attacks via hijacked domestic airliners being intentionally flown into architectural landmarks.

That evidence does not change and the damage that it causes to the credibility and to the reputations of these people who were entrusted with the responsibility to protect us, just because you post a statement of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, attributed to Bin Laden.

Why do you attempt to change the subject? Isn't the evidence that Bush has repeatedly lied to the American people concerning grave matters of national security, over a four year period, including delivering a speech last week that is intentionally riddled with lies and misleading phrases, enough to even cause you to question who and what you are defending, again and again on these threads. Your defense of the things that Bush has said and done, even with your "back door" attempt to defend him here by discreditng me, reflects badly on you, and your judgment.
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