Originally Posted by Marvelous Marv
I take it from this remark that you will chastise anyone who uses the term, "Radical right?"
The left wing has certainly defined all conservatives as "radicals."
I don't label all conservatives as radicals nor do I believe they are. Just as not everyone on the Left is radical.
Those who blindly follow Bush and turn legitimate questions and debates into pissing contests, attacks on patriotism and personal attacks, those are radicals.
There are many Conservatives that debate their views on here and most of the time show the respect I show them that I find interesting, well read and just have come to a differing philosophy and viewpoint as me. I respect their opinions and when they honestly can show me how they can get from point "A" to point "B" and expect me to do so with the same respect, I find it quite a learning experience for both of us, as we have shared and shown each other respect, dignity and understanding.
Then there are those that twist, attack and show no respect, those are the radicals.
Those that fill posts with twists, turns, refuse to answer how they get from point to point, refuses to see where the opposition has come to their opinion and views, and in the end shows no respect, garners no respect from me.