Originally Posted by politicophile
It is, however, irrational to use these policy blunders to compare Bush to Hitler, to argue that he has declared war on Islam, to say that he attacked Iraq and Afghanistan for the oil, and to say that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen because he thought it would be good for his approval ratings.
While it's irrational to say that Bush=Hitler or some nonsense like that, I don't think it's irrational to simply make an honest comparison/contrast. I didn't see anyone in the thread you are referring to cross the line. I did, however, see some people irrationally reject any comparison to Hitler at all.
As far as your second example, Bush has referred to the War on Terror as a Crusade and has seemingly focused solely on Islamic terrorism. So while it may not be completely correct, it would not be irrational to say that Bush has declared war on Islam.
It's no more irrational to say that Bush attacked Iraq for oil than it is to say that he liberated Iraq in order to spread freedom and democracy.
Your last example is indeed irrational, but I haven't heard many people say that. There are the usual conspiracy nuts, but I wouldn't consider that widespread by any means. Just because a few people post something on a message board doesn't mean that the opinion is widespread among the general population.