Originally Posted by ratbastid
Very nice. Again, the right wing redefines the terms of discussion. Now being against Bush is irrational.
My hatred of George Bush is perfectly rational, thank you very much.
Ratbastid, the title of this post is "What Causes Irrational Hatred of George Bush?". This is certainly not meant to imply that one cannot rationally hate him. What I am interested in discussing is why there are people who hate Bush in ways that don't make any sense.
Examples of things one might rationally hate Bush for:
-destroying the environment
-effectively sentencing over 2,000 soldiers to die for a war that was based on totally false premises
-destroying the credibility of the United States in the international arena
-allowing the deficit to grow to unprecidented levels
-using Christianity as a tool to manipulate and mobilize Christian voters
-opposing women's right to an abortion
-curtailing fundamental civil liberties
-nominating underqualified and/or very conservative justices to the Supreme Court
-and the list goes on...
It is, however, irrational to use these policy blunders to compare Bush to Hitler, to argue that he has declared war on Islam, to say that he attacked Iraq and Afghanistan for the oil, and to say that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen because he thought it would be good for his approval ratings.
This second type of hatred is frighteningly widespread and I would like to know why there seems to be so much of it attached to George Bush.