bush is not hitler, the only nazis were the nazis.
no one can legitimately blame bush for natural disasters, so it is a waste of time to defend these supposed accusations.
however, as president, he should shoulder blame/responsibility because he is in charge.
as for terrorism, since it is mentioned in the article, the adminstration's policies are cetainly debatable. the insurgency in iraq is not in it's death throes, we have not borken it's back, and killing insurgents is not slowing the insurgency. sadly, a democratic middle east would be less US friendly than the exiting authoritarian regimes. and more specifically, the record of mistreatment of individuals in custody, and the reluctance to alter the established protocol, is winning neither hearts nor minds of foreigners and likely fueling the "islamofascist" movement.
i think it is equally irrational to broadly claim people hate bush. it's a conclusion to make if you want pseudo-political infotainment. raising issues with his policies is not the same as hating the man.