Originally Posted by djtestudo
Almost every law made is used to control. Therefore each brings us closer to a police state.
I am talking about a direct route towards a police state, like taking away freedoms like a right to a trial. Laws about the environment, for example, are not on a direct route to a police state.
Originally Posted by djtestudo
So the policies of the Bush administration aren't affecting the military? The military is a tool of the Bush administration.
Originally Posted by djtestudo
What does that have to do with what I said?
The Patriot Act allows people to be heald without trial. That circumvents the Judicial branch.
Originally Posted by djtestudo
You cannot seriously believe that US troops defending themselves against attackers is the same thing as the systematic elimination of several ethnic groups.
I didn't say that. I simply said they are killing Arabs, which is true. They are defending themselves, of course, but who told them to go there, and to what end? There is wherre the comparison lies. Not all Nazi soldiers were racist, hate filled people you know. Some simply followed orders.
Originally Posted by djtestudo
You could read what you write.
After WW1, the Nazi party rose to and took power. They did not take power after they started a war. If we are to compare Bush to Hitler, this is now the equivelent to post WW1 Germany. After WW2, Germany lost and Hitler was dead, so the comparison kinda wouldn't work.
Originally Posted by djtestudo
Elphaba got it, although his comments got a little insulting and immature near the end.
Maybe you should remove the log from your eye before addressing the splinter in Elphebas. If you want to make a point, make it. Leave Reynolds out of it. If you'd like me to pull out all of my info on 9/11, we can move to another thread.
Edit: //END THREADJACK, I'm so sorry.