Originally Posted by match000
Are you sure you can't just try to get over it and go up and randomly talk to people? If talking to people you could possibly like is a problem, why don't you talk to people who you will not be attracted to as a start? Go to an old person's home and talk to them as practice.
What would be the point of randomly talking to people? I'm not arguing, I just don't understand how I would benefit from this.
I'm no longer concerned with talking to people I'm attracted to; I've found the love of my life and don't anticipate that I'll ever have to date again.
I'm not sure what you mean by visiting an old person's home and talking to the people there. Do they let people do that, just come in and talk to the residents? That doesn't seem safe. Also, why on earth would the people there want to talk to me, to some strange woman who just shows up off the street?
Or maybe I'm projecting because talking to strangers is a difficult thing for me. Anyway, thank you for the suggestion.