Introvert to introvert, I'm with you. I had trouble approaching women (my wife appproached me). I tried to avoid confrontation and uncomfortable situations. I tried to live life behind glass. I'm a different kind of introvert, though. I'm an ntrovert who forces myself to be an extrovert. When entering the buisness world, I had to adapt a shell in order to move outward and upward. It gives me a slightly different perspective, but I think I still understand where you're coming from. I say be happy with who you are. If you aren't happy being an introvert, make yourself an extrovert. Personally, I love being an introvert. There's nothing more pure than curling up with my wife and daughter at home and reading a book or listening to music.
My wife, not unlike your Grace I imagine, is my extrovert. I don't make her fight my battles, but she finds it easier to be out in the world than I do. When we are apart, I feel like a part of my connection to the world has been severed. That's the downside to beign an introvert.