Originally Posted by Toaster126
I think it's disgusting you are comparing this to the situation in Germany 60 years ago... unless Bush went about attempting a systematic killing of a race of people that I missed, the sitations are different. Don't cheapen WWII with that. Argue the issues, don't envoke the worst example I can think of right now of the evil humans are capable of.
Before we get too high on our soapboxes, let's break this down.
Hitler, after and during his gain for power, consolidated his power by appointing Nazi officials and maintaining legality throughout the process of seizure of control. Bush has both houses of Congress, the majority of the Supreme Court, and many friends spread out all over the ranks of the government.
Hitler transformed Gernmany into a police state legally over a few years. Bush has personally pushed for the Patriot acts. Hitler, despite being a miliatry leader, publicly expressed his strong want for peace. Bush, despite the 2 wars under his administration in which we were the aggressors, preaces peace.
Hitler arranged for the Reichstag to burn to the ground, blaming Communists. Bush arranged for (or allowed) the Twin Towers to be destroyed by planes, blaming terrorists.
After Hitler took power, a concentration camp (at Daschau, I think) was formed to house arrested communists, socialists, and labor leaders. He passed the Enabling Act allowing him to set laws bypassing their parlament, the whole time saying it was for the protection of the german people. The Republicans have full control of the government, and the Patriot Acts passsed allowing the president to take the rights away from any citizen without, bypassing our legal system. Bases all over the world are opened for insurgents in which torture is routine.
Hitler supported anti-semitic propoganda. Bush supports racial profiling against Arabs.
Theere are similarities between what happened in Germany after WW1, and those who deny this are living in a seperate reality.
Is Bush Hitler? Of course not. Bush is Bush, Hitler was Hitler. Could Bush do what Hitler did? Is it possible for history to repeat itself? I can't really say. The only thin gi know is that saying that this won't happen would make it easier for it to happen again.
Back to what Host was trying to say....Simply posting online about what's going on, much like what I do, is not enough to stop this. We need organization, legal recourse against those who would wish us silent, and legal ways to stop those who would go to war simply for selfish gain.
Originally Posted by djtestudo
Let me say that Ms. Wright has the right to say whatever she wants, and I do applaud that she stood up for what she believes in, even if I happen to disagree.
Fortunately we all have differing opinions, which make this world a much more interesting place, even if some of us are more condecending with their views then others.
It's very interesting to note you ignore the fact that if we were Germans sixty years ago, you would already have been executed in a concentration camp for your views, so I would hope that you would have some more respect for those who disagree.
If this were immediataly after the burning of the Reichstag, before Hitler took full power (what I would consider our current situation's equivelant in the Nazi climb to power), Host would be considered a communist or socialist conspirater, but nothing could be done yet. The nazis would hate him and want him dead, but they wouldn't have the power to get away with it yet. He would stand a chance to organize a resistance in Gernamny where in reality there was none.