Toaster126, the inspiration for this thread came from my observation of the deeds and the statements of a courageous woman who served her country for 29 years, and who was commended for <a href="">heroism</a> by the State Dept.
I happen to agree with her descritpion of our present circumstances, contained in the last quote box of the thread opener:
<h4>And we are complicit, all of us, because, quite honestly, we're not standing out in front of the White House every single day, and every time that Vice President leaves throwing our bodies in front of his car, throwing blood on it. We need to get tough with these guys. They're not listening to us</h4>
The victims of the conspiracy of deception, the war crimes, and the crimes against humanity that our leaders have committed, be the U.S. troops or innocent Iraqis, are as dead or maimed for life as the victims of any prior illegal campaign of aggression.
Direct your disgust at those who planned and ordered the violence and re-examine your inappropriately muted reaction to what has happened and must be stopped. A patriot is telling us to consider "throwing our bodies in front of his car", after giving up everything that she spent her life working for, to protest the first day of aggressive war, and to now stop it from continuing. And your reaction is..................?
How is the reaction (or...non-reaction) of most Americans to our war criminals in high postiions, that much different than this: