Originally Posted by rofgilead
I'm surprised no one here is talking about this, because I have been seeing a lot of comments on various blogs. The proposition that passed actually, to many people, reads as if it is banning marriage between a man and a woman!
Yakk beat you to it.
Side note: I still maintain that it's a silly generalization to label all opponents of gay marriage to be homophobic or even bigoted. I've witnessed very clearly the situation of someone being against gay marriage without thinking that gay people are any less human. For them, it's "marriage by definition isn't same-sex" or "hey look at this Scandinavian study over here". But it becomes especially clear when you find people who are against gay marriage, but for the idea of civil unions that are identical in all but name. Odd? Faulty in reasoning? Perhaps only superficially considered? Wrong? Yeah, that's my position as well. Bigoted? Not necessarily.