Okay, i'm just going to throw my perspective in on this convo as another point of view. first off I'll tell you my occupation. I am a rancher/farmer. I own 400 cows and therefore raise 400 calves each year that will go to slaugther. I have a serious problem with people using the cruelity to animals arguement, and how they seem to make it out that nobody cares for these animals. I will tell you first hand that I care deeply about all 400 of my animals. why? because they are my lively hood.., they are my lifestyle, and if they do good, so do I. My cows get plenty of acres of grass during the summer, which mind you is alot more room than most humans get!! When the sun is shining and the weather nice, they are the most content things around. And when it comes time for me to sell my calves, I know that the next guy in the chain is going to take good care of them also, as he depends on them for a living. Now keep in mind I realize that some of you have this misconception that all the animals are being treated cruelty because of some video propaganda that PETA has replayed over and over. This is human error, just as it occurs in many other facets of our society. It is not the norm and should not be view as such. Yes it's unfortunate that it happens, and I hate to see my animals suffer, just as i hate to see other humans suffer, but it happens.. All we can do is try our best not to let it happen. This doesnt mean we should stop eating meat. Well thats the end of my rant. hope it shed some insight to this topic.