Originally Posted by Moskie
Say you had to bet a dollar on whether god exists.
If there was a "God" and presumably a heaven, I would hope that I could bet more than a dollar. I’m just concerned that there's an IRS in the afterlife and since I kept a receipt for every reality check I've gotten, I'd like to put down more on this bet. Seriously, though, beyond the obvious history and social conditioning, I find that people have a hard time accepting the notion that uncertainty is the only certainty. Plus, humans are to some degree intrinsically self-absorbed with their own reality and do not realize that philosophy (of which religion is just another strand) is a prison and undermines some of the customary things about us. There is dreadful desire in us to teach and not to learn. I find that religion is often a tool of teaching, not only of learning. Sure we learn what we are taught, but often without questioning the very foundation of our teaching or the motivating begin that teaching.