War Crimes: Complicity and Culpability of Americans
In the past, I've warned and advised about the crimes you commit against humanity by your support of Bush/Cheney policies of war crimes and of crimes against humanity....
Here is a patriot, Ann Wright, a former US Army Colonel and State Dept. diplomat who re-opened the U.S. embassy in Kabul in late 2001, who sent Colin Powell her letter of resignation in March, 2003, because, as the first bombs fell on Iraq, in what she determined to be a baseless and illegal invasion, she <a href="">felt I could not support this administration's decision to go into Iraq, and when you disagree with a policy that feels like kind of a cornerstone--I morally felt that I could not participate in it.</a>
I've only warned others about the personal risks of supporting the Bush administration. Ann Wright, a full bird colonel and diplomat with 29 years of devoted service to this country, is laying it all out, and now she is handing me the same warning and challenge that I've been posting to some of you. By her words and her example, Ms. Wright opens my eyes to consider that, unless each of us interrupts our life, our career, and regulalry engages in aggressive, non-violent, but invasive protest to interrupt and interfere with our criminal personally impress upon them in sufficient frequency and numbers, that their own countrymen will not tolerate or allow them to continue commiting these crimes.....each of us is not unlike a "good German" of 60 some years ago.
Rice Declines to Give Senators Timeline for Iraq Withdrawal
By Robin Wright
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 20, 2005; Page A22
....As Rice testified, former U.S. diplomat Mary Ann Wright stood up and shouted from the audience, "Stop the killing in Iraq. You and Congress have to be responsible." Wright, a senior envoy in the U.S. embassies in Afghanistan and Mongolia, resigned in protest in 2003.
I've "talked the talk" here. Ms. Wright is "walking the walk". I'm not doing anything to oppose these criminal policies....compared to her. I'll commence a renewed and more commited effort by asking everyone here to reconsider whether crimes against humanity are being commited on the order of the POTUS and members of his administration, and if so; what you are personally going to do to help stop them? In some ways, those of us who know better and are not acting more in the example set by Ms. Wright, are no less complicit and culpable than those who support these criminals. We know of at least one, genuine, American patriot, standing up for what is right. Are we just going to watch, or are we going to watch her back?
<b>Anti-war tour driving home its message</b>
Published September 17 2005
........If Wright sounds like a harsh critic, she's served under seven administrations and says she knows what she's talking about. She spent 29 years in the military - retiring a full colonel - and 16 years in diplomatic service, through Vietnam, Watergate, Nixon, Iran/Contra and sundry presidential low points. Through it all, she says, she could always invoke some honor in service. It took war mongering in Iraq, she says, to compel her to resign from the State Department in protest.
War wasn't the problem - it was picking the right fight. She backed the invasion of Afghanistan to hunt down al-Qaida. She flew to Washington, beating on doors to wrangle a spot on the tiny diplomatic team to re-open the American Embassy in Kabul, shuttered for 12 years. She had experience in hot spots such as Sierra Leone and Central Asia, Grenada, Panama and Nicaragua. She had military expertise. She was handpicked for Kabul, serving as deputy chief of mission till April 2002.
Once there, she couldn't understand why the administration wasn't sending enough troops to secure the country. Why Afghanistan was a "mission done on the cheap."
Then Bush beat the drums of war against Iraq, preparing to attack without the approval of the U.N. Security Council. Wright had enough. By then she was deputy chief of mission in Mongolia, reading Buddhists texts that urged standing up and speaking out when things aren't right with the world.
"I'm standing up for my karma and my conscience in the next life," Wright says. "I don't want it on my conscience that I didn't stand up against this (crap)."
Within two days of her resignation, she says, more than 400 Foreign Service officers e-mailed her in support.
Since then, she continued to speak out against the war, to little fanfare. Then in August, a California housewife pitched a tent outside Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, goading him to explain what "noble cause" her son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, had died for in an ambush outside Sadr City...........
..........She fingers the second band. "Last week 26 of us were arrested after a die-in right in front of the White House in commemoration of the two thousandth American and maybe one hundred thousandth Iraqi who died in this war. So now," she announces, chuckling heartily, "I'm a felon for peace."...........
.......TD: You know, if someone had said to me back in the 1960s that a Vice President of the United States might go to Congress to lobby for a torture exemption for the CIA the way Dick Cheney has done, I would have said: This couldn't happen. Never in American history. I'm staggered by this.
AW: Me, too. The other thing that's quite interesting is the number of women who are involved in it. There were something like eighty women I've identified, ranging from high officers to CIA contractors being used as interrogators in Guantanamo. Talking about things that will come back to bite us big time, this is it. <b>And we are complicit, all of us, because, quite honestly, we're not standing out in front of the White House every single day, and every time that Vice President leaves throwing our bodies in front of his car, throwing blood on it. We need to get tough with these guys. They're not listening to us.</b> They think we're a bunch of wimps. We've got to get tougher and tougher with them to show them we're not going to put up with this stuff. .......
Last edited by host; 11-12-2005 at 02:23 AM..