Sultana: It is great!

It's a bit of an indulgence, but I think it's worth it. In the past few years I started using good quality products on my face and hair and I've definitely noticed a difference!
FYI, Origins actually has a full line of active charcoal products, including a facial mask that I use from time to time (can't remember the name). The ones I've been able to use so far have all been great (that goes for all Origins stuff, not just the bodywash and mask).
edit: Mantus, I saw you mention Dove bodywash. They do indeed make a line of bodywash. I'm using their gentle exfoliating one right now, since I'm not able to get to the Origins store (3 hour drive). It's a good body wash, but I've found that it leaves a heavy residue in my shower, for some reason. The exfoliating beads don't dissolve, and it seems any bit of body wash the falls from the cloth/sponge/myhand/etc tends to stay on the shower floor, leaving behind the blue beads and making my shower floor QUITE slick. It does do a good job of making me clean, though!