Antibiotics will more or less not help you at all. I understand your rationale on staving off anything bacterial that might make it worse but in all honesty the chances of that are fairly slim.
Another pandemic
will happen. Whether or not it'll be from this bug is a question no one can answer. If it makes the jump to humans and starts to spread, your best bet is just going to be avoiding contact with anyone who is sick, wash your hands, and just live a generally healthy lifestyle. Yes avoiding contact is a problem as those who are infected are contagious for 1 or more days before they get symptoms themselves, but there's really not a lot to be done for that.
Let me talk a little about tamiflu. I feel a lot of people (read: the US Government) are purporting it as the savior from this thing. It won't be. ALL it does is reduce the severity of the flu a little bit. The virus has to change to become human transimissable. It's entirely possible this change will alter the bug so tamiflu is not effective. Best case scenario and Tamiflu is effective? It won't last long. Viruses are very,
VERY prone to mutating. The bug is going to mutate into something that is resistant to Tamiflu and boom it's no good anymore. So if this shit breaks into humans and we start blanketing everyone who gets it with Tamiflu? I'd give it a few weeks before you've got a bird flu that's completely resistant to Tamiflu. You don't hear Roche saying that of course do you?
Food for thought.