I heard about this awhile ago, but I thought this was done by some blogger and basically condemned by most people? I thought it was in really aweful taste, and from what I could tell unwarrented. (labels like oreo, twinkie and such suck...) That said, I don't think Steele is as popular as some of you are making him out to be. I live in the Potomac area and honestly nobody likes the Erlich/Steele goverment that much.
but I haven't been home in a couple months (school) so maybe radical shifts in thought have occured.
offtopic: I read the Washington Post, NYT, and Washington Times, and honestly the Washington Times just isn't as good a paper, I'm not saying it's not a ok source of info, but overall I think the articles aren't as well written.
A damn dirty hippie without the dirty part....