Originally Posted by ubertuber
What I mean is, no one (at this point) is trying to force churches to confer the sacrament of marriage on same-sex couples. They are trying to acquire the benefits that are conferred by the government. The government's willingness/ability to grant these benefits to one class of people/relationships and not another is a sign that one group enjoys a favored status, or that those benefits are not appropriate to governmental discretion and should be granted to no one.
This is where we have our disconnect. They are trying to aquire benefits that they are not eligible for. Like me trying to collect unemployment, even though I'm not unemployed. I just cannot agree with your viewpoint here. I also don't view gays and/or hetrosexuals as a "class" of people. I think they're making more of it than is neccessary. They are not eligible for marriage, by the very definition of marriage. Why should the definition be "ammended" for them?