I just finished my second reading of the book last week. I'm not sure that understanding what happened is the point of the book.
For sgn43, think of a movie documentary that is a combination of Blair Witch and Lovecraft's Cthulu mythos. Then imagine a person writing a dissertation about that movie, citing as many references as possible. Then imagine the person who was writing the dissertation dies, and a loser tattoo shop assistant is reading and assembling the dissertation into a book. Oh, and the author had been blind for many years, and couldn't have seen the movie. And the tattoo guy is adding footnotes about how his life is falling apart as he obsesses over the book. And the editors add their own comments regarding what the tattoo artist is writing.
That's the book. Plus appendicies. And I haven't given anything away that you wouldn't pick up from the first two chapters or so.
I can't read your signature. Sorry.