Wow... Just.... Wow.
Alright, so I finished the game after about another hour of playing it, so total playtime is approximately sevenish hours.
So, I have some good news and bad news...
The good news is, at the very end of the game - and only the end of the game, they actually have CG cut scenes instead of just using the not-so-great quality models. The CG is fantastic - it looks spectacular. The bad news, however, involves what it is CGing...
*The following spoiler will contain what happens in the end of the game. If you prefer not to know, don't read it. If, however, you don't want to know because you think it may actually relate to anything in The Matrix, read on - because it doesn't.
Alright, so right after the big fight with Agent Smith in the rain (including the aerial battle) it cuts to the white room with the leather chairs in it. Two old school atari-eske figures walk up and sit down. They explain that although the ending of the movie was great, being Jesus in a video game isn't all that fun. So, they changed the ending. You now get to fight a super-ultra Agent Smith bot.
*cut to CG*
All the Smiths collect rubble and trash left from the fight, and create an enourmous Smith Bot. Think Power Rangers....
To beat him, it's ridiculously simple - dodge to the left every 5 seconds or so, when he attempts to hit you (which is conviently announces by the super-ultra Agent Smith Bot yelling) and press A to charge it when the A button appears on the bottom of the screen.
It gets worse...
When you do beat him, it cuts to portions of the movie where they say that the war is over. Guess what song begins to play?
A hint - the cheesiest, worst song you could possibly choose for the final scene in The Matrix.
That's right, Queens "We are the Champions" begins blaring.
Indeed, they certainly are the champions of fucking up what could have been a great game.
I'm curious if anyone else has played this, and what their opinion is. I'm revising my current rating of 4.5-10 to 1.5/10. I originally gave points because it was based on The Matrix, but as you can see from the spoiler, that isn't necessarily the case.
Anyway, I would highly recommend you do not purchase it - rent it, maybe, but rent it knowing that you are in for a game that is laughably terrible - you'd be paying for the humor factor only, that's about all...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...
Last edited by NoSoup; 11-09-2005 at 12:38 PM..