I go to unlock my door and pause; the soft sound of stilettos rings clear on the other side. I'm not expecting anyone at this time of night. I open the door slowly, revealing a goddess bathed in red silk the color of strawberries during the heat of summer. Slowly, the robe falls to the ground, baring curves that make my heart beat quicken.
She walks slowly to me, moving with the grace of untold experience. The warmth of her body feels searing against my arm as she moves behind me to kiss my neck. I feel my clothes being gently pulled away, buttons unfastening, zippers sliding; all are hardly noticeable. Soon, I am as naked as she.
Her hand moves to my breasts, soft little fingers delicately exploring. I reach up one arm to encircle her neck, and we kiss passionately until my head is swimming. I turn to face her, and she eases me onto the bed, her warm tongue teasing my lips and tracing holy markings down my neck to my breasts.
For hours, she probes and plays, licks and caresses. Her body is my playground, and I lap up every opportunity to please her. At last we are both satisfied, and she falls asleep in my arms.
I awake the next morning and wonder at my dreams for being filled with such pleasures.