Originally Posted by dlishsguy
i live a few suburbs away from where these raids occured... ill be keeping my opposition to the iraq war to myself from now on lol... and yes spindles im a prime candidate.. young middle eatern muslim male with a funny first name.. if i go down your coming with me hahahahah
you said somewhere else (or above in the thread that you were a "prime candidate" religion wise. For myself, I'm a white caucasian non-religious type. Perhaps I'm as far from the target audience as you can get in Oz.
Seriously, though, being opposed to a war in a foreign country is hardly an offence. If it was, a large chunk of Australians would be being chased. I don't think the end justifies the means.
I know if I was arrested like this, then found to be innocent, I would be
really pissed off. I would ask (and probably receive) compensation. and I would not shut up. My local mamber/newspapers etc. would hate the number of letters they would start getting from me.