Originally Posted by 5757
Also for+sure= Like, for sure! OMG. Kill me please if I have to hear that one more time. (My sister is 16)
"Like Oh My God! Like totally!
I do not talk funny...
I’m sure
Whatsa matter with the way I talk?
I am a val, I know
But I live like in a really good part of encino so it’s okay
So like, I don’t know
I’m like freaking out totally
Oh my god!"
Sorry, Happened to be listening to Valley Girl by Zappa when I read that...
I don't know that there are any words that annoy me at this point, but I do have a tendency to pick up certain phrases and overuse them for a time... Trying to break that habit. My most recent one is "fair enough". As in whenever I don't really agree, but dont really care to disagree with someones statement it gets the "fair enough..."