It's not that, it's that after 2 years, you should be committed enough to your SO to not think twice about going to their sibling's wedding. If you don't, it makes it seem that you have no interest or care about being serious with that person, whether being serious involved marriage or not.
I agree, 22 is young, and 2 years isn't forever.
I don't think you should be "worrying" about it. Are you happy? Great. When you feel the need to take another step, get married, what have you... think about it then. I don't believe in a set time, a particular stage that you're "supposed" to be at. Some people never get married, and are very happy that way... and bully for them! Some are delighted to be married at 18. It takes all kinds... I really don't think there can be a blanket statement.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.