the point of my comment remarks was the assumption that i saw in your post of a simple collective consciousness of some type that you used--a kind of primitivism--the goal seemed to be to assmilate what is going on in france now to the tired, cliche "clash of civilizations" model----which doesn't work--it doesn't do anyting to help interpret the situation in france---it doesnt help interpret anything, really--it is more like a tired data mill--put complex information in, grind out one-dimensional readings that seem only useful if you are interested in maximizing your paranoia about some fantasy religious war. there is a racist dimension to this move, but it emerges through the application of the model you use and may not necessarily involve fully articulated attitudes on the part of the folk who use the model. i would be neither surprised or not surprised by how much experience you might have with french muslim folk--though if you do know many such people, i would think that you'd not use such simplistic modes of thinking about the scenario that is unfolding in france. but whatever--maybe its an aesthetic preference for simple models.
nice allusion to my academic work: so have you read any of it?
i thought that one of the rules of the game here was that we would keep debate between personae.
no matter: the long-term causes for situations like what you are watching happen now is an aspect of what i work on--not the main thing, but important nonetheless. that does not mean that i have what i would consider an adequate reading of the riots--too pressed for time the past days to really devote attention to it---and the coverage is too strange to give the impression a definite reading is possible.
so this is a matter of modelling--i tried to outline factors i think you would need to take into account--you outline samuel huntington. i find that model to be absurd.
akula: it appears that the french govt is going the route state of emergency/curfew. which usually is but a pretext for an escalation of state violence (17 october 1961)...
what do you mean when you say that some of the major muslim organizations in france are fundamentalist? so far as i know, that is not right. unless we do not mean the same thing when we use the term.
And this helps the immigrants assimilate into french society, how?
it doesnt. that is the point. we agree. so it is possible.