Originally Posted by feelgood
Mal, you really need to hang out on Fark.com more to see that guys here on TFP are actually mickey mouse compared to the guys on Fark in terms of harsh
There's a reason we only allow 18+ on TFP*. We also pride ourselves on having an average IQ in the triple digits, unlike FARK where they seem to take pride in the opposite. Also not the no flaming/act mature rules and our pride in having a refined, accepting community. Most of the people who post in our exhibition board would be ripped apart by the jackasses who won't accept anyone short of a supermodel, yet they're beautiful people and we can appreciate that.
* - read this article (http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=2200) and see how 90% of guys under 18 and 85% of the others qualify as "internet male"