Originally Posted by stevo
It isn't spelled out for you, like a second grade book,
Excellent! Sarcasm and insults! Rule of thumb for debate - when you're cornered and you know you're defending a heaping pile of bullshit, turn the tables and attack the intelligence of the one you're debating with. Masterful touch, even if it is technically against the forum rules. But then as long as we're staunchly defending a man who doesn't give a crap about rules, why should we bother to follow them ourselves?
I think you missed something in my 65% comment. That means only 35% of the american public supports the president. This is quite significant when you consider the old rule of thumb: 40% of the people will support democrats no matter what. 40% will support republicans no matter what. The remaining 20% is who you fight over in elections.
But with only 35% of the people supporting Bush, that means he's even managed to piss off 5% (give or take a few %) of the people that usually support republicans regardless of the evidence.
At any rate, if you can't see that Bush has royally screwed this country, perhaps this excellent quote from Fark will help:
People should stop blaming Bush for everything.
They should just stick to blaming him and/or his Administration for abrogating the ABM treaty; for abandoning wholesale the Kyoto Treaty; for the decision on CO2 emissions; his stem-cell research position; his decision not to seek the full funding he promised for No Child Left Behind; for immediate caving on vouchers; the dismissal of Richard Clarke's views, and then of Clarke himself; foot-dragging on creating a Homeland Security agency; foot-dragging on appointing a 9/11 commission; foot-dragging on appointing a National Intelligence Director; promising, and then failing to fight to keep the promise, to fund emergency responders; the dismissal of dissenting intelligence offered by elements within CIA, State, DOD and GAO regarding the need for and costs of going to war in Iraq; sixteen words in the State of the Union; ignoring Powell, Shinseki, and Scowcroft; embracing Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld; going to war with the army you have and not the army you could have had had you applied yourself; dismissing calls from elements within the Pentagon for better post-war planning; breaking it but then not owning it; "Mission Accomplished"; "Bring it on"; "Dead or Alive"; sticking to tax cuts in the face of ballooning debt; proposing a massive Medicare benefit in the face of massive debt in abrogation of every real conservative principle; not vetoing--and in fact encouraging--an Energy Bill that is adorned with pork in abrogation of every conservative principle; not vetoing--in fact encouraging--a Transportation Bill that is adorned with pork in abrogation of every conservative principle; pursuing in the first instance or abandoning Social Security reform, depending on your ideology; pursuing in the first place or abandoning real litigation reform, depending on your ideology; pursuing in the first place or shelving until it is politically unacceptable real tax reform, depending on your ideology; "You're doing a heckuva job, Brownie" when Brownie wass not, in fact, doing a heck of a job; promising to fire anyone "involved" in leaking the identity of a CIA agent, and then abandoning that promise; Harriet F*cking Miers.
But please. Don't blame him for everything.
This guy is one of the worst presidents we have ever had. His numbers reflect that. The american people are finally, slowly, waking up to this fact. It's pretty bad when you have approval ratings that are the lowest since Nixon.
I'll give you this much. The guy in office might not be a crook and a liar. But he's stupid enough to surround themselves with them and then believe everything they tell him. Either he's behind it, or he's too stupid to see that it's happening. Either way, that's an indication of someone who should NOT be president.