Really, though, I have seen this sort of reactions lots and lots of times, but the people that react this way are people who don't know how to interact with any humans at all, not just girls. They're pubescent boys addicted to computer games. For the record, they fall somewhere between Drunken Belligerent Homeless Dudes and Wolverines in the heirarchy of social skills.
I understand why girls would feel that there's an overwhelming majority of internet nerds who are simply unwilling to accept them, but they disregard the fact that a majority of people on the internet are total fuckwads. I have to sift through the same steaming pile of bullshit they do, just instead of a whore I get called a fag.
Tell me about it.. I've pretty much given up on the majority of mainstream internet folk. They're either giggly 14 year old 'lol' girls or stuck up little adolescent boys, who say you're a "noob" if you have less kills than deaths in counterstrike. To which I say "Fuck you, at least I've got a job and own my computer, Bitch". Especially the really insultful ones. They're just insecure little nerds who couldn't do Jack if you confronted them in real life!! *deep breaths*
I'm a fan of the internet in general but the anonymity factor can really bring out the worst in people. As for girls in general... well, they kick my ass in for the most part.. I usually like to think I'm a pretty competitive in most things I attempt, but it doesn't matter; if i'm head to head with a girl, I'm screwed.