Most recent to older:
Deltron 3030 instrumentals,
Atmosphere (You can't imagine how much fun we're having)
Outkast (Speakerboxx/the love below)
Neil Young (Greendale)
Willie Dixon (I am the blues)
It is great living 3 blocks away from a cd store
The deltron is awesome (Love Story is my new fav), the atmosphere is decent but overproduced and it all sort of has the same style (I like the Lucy Ford era stuff better), Outkast is always fun, I was really impressed with the Neil Young - it has has folk music sensibilities but grungier edge, and the writing/narrative is superb. Willie Dixon is backed up by his all-star band, so it is a bit more polished than I generally like my blues, but excellent throughout, and you can hear the originals of a couple songs that Led Zeppelin (and other Rock/blues artists) covered.
'Charmant, respektlos, und immer betrunken.'