Originally Posted by SERPENT7
i wondered the same thing.
The watts riots occured when the ghettos hit 30% unemployment. Guess what the unemployment rate is for the muslim ghettos. Thats right, 30% (60% if your are only counting the male, black, african-descended 18-35 y.o.s! 60%!)
It will be interesting to see if the gov can get control, or if it will turn into an 'Aparthied' (Its actually called the millet, which is where the area is organized and ruled according to the koran) system as many of the minority spokesmen seem to be calling for.
I think the incident of the boys being electrocuted is just the straw that finally broke the camel's back, so to speak.
A lot of this has been building up for a long time, as Furry said. After the second night of riots, the sidebar on the page featuring the story on the BBC had links to several other stories regarding immigrants in France--and some of these stories, featuring among other things the employment difficulties and integration problems, date back years.
France will never allow any form of apartheid or millet to happen, I promise you that. That's just not French