I also would not just break it off without telling her. That may affect her self-esteem, thinking that you don't like her. If you decide it would be better to break it off then you need to be honest with her and tell her that you are afraid you want her to know something before she decides if this relationship is going to go on very long.
Do not wait till the last moment before sex because it would appear to be an afterthought.
As much as relating your situation to her could cause her to be fearful there's also the hope that you're telling of the tale could be a step in the right direction for both of you. It forces you to put her first and increases your expression of respect for her. It also gives her a chance to face her fears or walk away. It shows her that you value her feelings more than your desire for a girlfriend or sex. I believe the honesty is the most valuable reason here.
You might want to hide this as it's something in your past BUT since the issue matters so much to her I think that you should not pursue a long term relationship and should not even approach the sexual side of the relationship until you tell her. If you two engage in sex, or end up at the alter and THEN you tell her there will be a lot of bitterness to work through and I would be surprised if you could repair the damage then.
Don't wait too long either. If you let her get too attached emotionally it will be more painful for you. Saying that you want her to get to know you first doesn't fly either since she has seen that you can show restraint already. She does know you enjoy her as a person in a friendly way. Much more and it begins to appear like you are trying to get her attached before opening up to her. A molester does not start out by telling the person of his goal - the molester often builds some sort of repore before any attempts. She will see it as thus if you wait.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.